Friday, November 21, 2014


Guess where we went after school Thursday?  Ill give you a hint. 

Yes that is a missing bracket on Pandas braces.  There was also a bracket missing in the back of her mouth.   Ooops.  So off to see the orthodontist we went.  They used a different glue this time.  As it was getting close to time for her first adjustment they did that as well.  Panda was thrilled to choose turquoise bands for her top braces, and pink for the bottom.  I'm thinking the excitement of the braces will wear off after a few adjustments.  I hope she isn't to sore at school today.  If she gets hurting to bad she can call my dad and spent the day hanging with him.  But, Panda LOVES school.  She has to be almost dead to willingly miss it.  So I'm a little worried that even if she is in great pain she wont tell.  She is eleven years old now so I try to just let her know the options and then respect her choices.  I hate respecting her choices.  Why cant she just stay little?!  LOL  Oh the hardships of mommyhood. :-)

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